There have been more real advancements in VoIP phone systems in the last few years than in the previous 25 and that is no exaggeration.
Finally there are real valid reasons to look at VoIP systems that don’t tie you down to a bloated, every year license-fee manufacturer or proprietary, restrictive products. The box on the wall branded phone system is becoming the technological dinosaur.
Proprietary phone systems are dying. Cisco, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Toshiba, 3com, Comdial, Iwatsu, Vodavi, and Nortel Networks have all completely or partially abandoned small to mid-size premise telecom all together. With time there will be many brand name systems added to that list. Open systems based on Asterisk and other emerging platforms are the future of telecom.
When you go to a communications trade show like IT EXPO the above names are mainly absent. There is a reason for that – no one cares about branded boxes anymore. A box on the wall with cards in it is very yesterday and more costly.
Our competitors are tied into yesterday’s technologies via commitments to their manufacturers with their dated platforms. We are not. We are evolving and changing.
We have often quoted solutions for $500/month where our competition have quoted $2,500. The question is usually 'what is missing?' The answer is nothing. We are just not lazy and we dig for the most value for our prospects and customers.
At VoIP Portland we do not oversell. Although we surround ourselves with the latest VOIP phone toys and gadgets, they may not be right for you. The systems we sell can ‘talk to’ dozens if not hundreds of manufacturers’ evolving offerings. A quality IP phone can be $50 or $500. Sometimes the $50 phone is all you need.
We sell what is best for you, not what is best for us. Putting the customer’s best interests first is why we have lasted 35+ years in this hyper-competitive business. We have quoted many communication systems in recent months where we are substantial less than any competitor, while offering much, much more.
Whether it is a small cloud wireless VoIP system or a full blown Unified Communications hosted communications platform, we have what you need.